SENTEC Team Blazes Through 2024 CHALLENGE Taiwan Triathlon, Securing Third Place in 226KM Men's Relay

SENTEC demonstrates commitment to employee health and well-being through participation in 2024 CHALLENGE Taiwan Triathlon. SENTEC 致力員工身心健康,打造永續競爭力, 團隊征戰 2024 CHALLENGE 台灣鐵人三項

Team of eight SENTEC athletes competes in various categories, including 226KM individual, 226KM mixed relay, and 113KM mixed relay. 2024 年 4 月 26 日至 28 日,SENTEC 組隊參加在台灣舉行的 2024 CHALLENGE Taiwan 國際鐵人三項競賽,共計八支隊伍出戰,分別挑戰 226KM 個人賽、226KM 接力混合賽及 113KM 接力混合賽等項目。

SENTEC's 226KM men's relay team clinches third place, showcasing their resilience and teamwork amidst a field of nearly ten thousand triathletes.在近萬名鐵人選手齊聚競逐下,SENTEC 226KM 男子接力隊伍展現優異實力,勇奪分組第三名佳績,為公司增添榮耀。